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How to Use Feedback to Boost Employee Retention

According to The Conference Board's Job Satisfaction 2023 survey, job satisfaction and employee retention are intrinsically intertwined, and timely feedback is crucial in retaining caregivers effectively.

Surveys provide essential insights into team satisfaction and are key tools for predicting turnover. They help us understand what motivates and fulfills employees, and which aspects of their work might need improvement.

đź’¬ What to ask?

Questions on Satisfaction:
  • Are they happy at their job?
  • Do they feel like they’re equipped to be successful?
  • Would they refer a friend to work here?
Questions on Improvement:
  • What could leadership do to positively affect change?
  • What areas of your job could be positively improved?
General Feedback
  • Leave space for open-ended feedback to encourage open and honest dialogue from your employees

🕓 When to ask it?

For New Employees:

A casual check-in after their first 30, 60 and 90 days is a great way to both show your interest in their experience and investment in their long-term happiness in their role.

For the Team:

Collecting feedback monthly or quarterly is crucial in keeping team engagement high!

📝 What to do with it?

Thank Your Employees

For their feedback and share small, but impactful changes you’re going to implement based on their responses.

Take Note

Look for recurring themes that come up in your team members’ feedback and prioritize those issues.




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