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How to Build Community in the Workplace (And Why It’s Important)

At the heart of a thriving workplace is one fundamental element—people. Humans inherently seek connection—to each other, to communities, and to the places they invest their time, including work. When employees feel like they truly belong, their engagement, productivity, and motivation soar. In fact, 4x higher revenue growth is achieved by companies with a thriving culture. But such a culture doesn’t arise by chance.

Creating a positive work culture is an active, ongoing effort. It requires more than just occasional support gestures or intermittent recognition. Below are actionable, easy ways that you can facilitate this in your workplace today:

Foster Connections

Encourage both professional and personal interactions through regular team-building activities and shared spaces for informal gatherings.

You can do this by…
  • Having a monthly team lunch or happy hour
  • If your team works remote or are dispersed between different locations, host a morning coffee and donut meet-up for a quick treat before work
  • Facilitating an annual event for the team & their families to attend, encouraging connection outside of work.

Use the promotion feature within Hubbux Teams to show support and long term investment in their personal lives and career development with workshops on subjects that make their lives better (ex. trainings, certifications)

Empower Voices 

Promote a culture of openness where employees can freely share ideas and concerns, enhancing trust and value.

You can do this by…
  • Encouraging monthly or quarterly feedback with anonymous surveys
  • Share how their feedback helps craft changes to policies and procedures within the organization
  • Frequent check-ins with both your top-performing team members and those who are less engaged to get a pulse on what’s working
  • Encourage the Employee of the Month to share their specific tips, tricks and resources with the team to empower others to follow their lead

By intentionally shaping your work environment, you don’t just improve the experience of your caregivers—you elevate your organization as a whole.

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